Program "Be Safe & Stay Active with Borosport"
Dear guests, our team is ready and delighted to welcome you to a safe and clean environment, operating with the highest standards in sanitation and hygiene. In addition, we are also observing social and physical distancing practices and adhering to the “new normal” during the Covid–19 and post- Covid–19 era.
We apologize in advance if the requirements of our new program “BE SAFE & STAY ACTIVE WITH BOROSPORT!” causes delays and/or changes in our regular hotel services.
Please bear in mind that protecting the health of each and every one of us is a shared responsibility. For this reason, we would like to stress the importance of adhering to the safety recommendations below, during your stay with us:
- Please maintain a high standard of personal hygiene, washing hands regularly and making use of provided hand sanitizer, throughout the hotel premises!
- Please maintain a reasonable distance from other guests!
- Please read the Covid–19 Safety and Prevention Rules on our website and follow the signage posted throughout the hotel!
- After using single use/disposable packages/consumables, please discard them right away, in the nearest bin!
- Should you feel a headache, dry cough, weakness or temperature over 37.5С, you should return home immediately, isolate yourself and call your GP without leaving home. For additional instructions you may contact the coordinator of our Covid–19 Response Task Force at 0888 23 00 20.
Dear guests, we kindly ask you to read the safety measures in place, before your arrival to the hotel and we thank you in advance for your understanding and strict adherence to these guidelines.
Borosport has set up a Covid–19 Response Task Force which you may contact by phone at +359 888 23 00 20. The Covid–19 prevention measures and rules which we have compiled and implemented are based on instructions by the National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD), guidelines and materials provided by the General Labor Inspectorate, the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, as well as the best international practices for sanitation of mountain, forest, entertainment and other types of parks and respective equipment. Our medical partner and consultant in the preparation process is the Tokuda Hospital and its chief epidemiologist, who assists us with continuous coordination and updates, to our safety rules and procedures.
For your safety we have:
- identified areas and equipment – subject to frequent disinfection, due to high risk of disease spread and transmission
- chosen disinfectants with adequate and safe virucidal action for indoor and outdoor areas, approved for use of public spaces
- implemented site specific sanitation protocols for each area, considering disease risk and guest and staff safety
- established a response protocol in the event of confirmed infection cases on the territory of Borovets resort (guests and staff) - contact persons, notification, transport, mandatory information to be provided to the health authorities needed for contact tracing etc.
- updated measures and procedures according to the climate specifics of Borovets resort, for the summer and winter seasons.
All our employees and staff undergo initial and ongoing trainings, organized by the Covid–19 Response Task Force on the following topics:
- Mandatory prevention measures – personal safety
- Mandatory prevention measures – guests’ safety
- Rules for actions and communication in the event of a confirmed infection case on the territory of the resort and the surrounding area
- Rules for actions and communication in the event of a confirmed infection case of guests and/or staff
Employees displaying temperature over 37.5º С are not allowed on the work premises.
Signage will be posted throughout the resort at all sites operated by Borosport. Please read them carefully. Thank you for observing all rules and instructions.
The preparation of the disinfectant solutions is done in compliance with the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health, our consultant Tokuda Hospital and the manufacturer. The binding minimum concentrates for the sanitizing solutions are strictly observed.
Sanitation dispensers for employees use are located in all of our offices, the Adventure center, the bike depot, the ticket sales points and the lift stations, next to the rope town “Boroland” and the Kids’ area outside, in the cars/shuttles used for the transport of guests and employees.
Each employee in direct contact with guests wears, unconditionally, a face mask. Before putting on face masks, employees wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water – and only as a last resort (should there be no access to running hot water) are they to use hand sanitizer.
We have organized the guests’ movement flows in a way that guarantees:
- one-way direction;
- a minimum of 1.5 meters between guests;
- an even load on the lift facilities, while maintaining a safe distance
- The spaces at the ticket offices and the access control gates are marked to indicate the right distances and the given direction.
Guests are not allowed to stand closer to each other than the binding distance unless they belong to one family.
Congregation of guests is not allowed, including in areas such as the Adventure center.
We have implemented a sanitation schedule for:
- The premises’ floors
- The door handles and doors
- All work tops such as counters, desks, keyboard, monitor, mouse
- The counter of the cashier’s desk and the POS terminal
- Please use credit/debit cards for payment.
- Please make use of the sanitizer dispensers at the cashier’s desk and in the Adventure Center.
Our transportation company is also abiding by the Covid–19 prevention rules. Our staff in charge of the transfers are observing the following rules:
- use of personal protective equipment (face mask and gloves) is mandatory at all times;
- Please keep your masks on during the whole trip!
- Please maintain a high standard of personal hygiene making use of the hand sanitizer provided in the bus/car!
We have implemented a regular sanitation schedule for:
- The floors of the premises at bottom / middle /top station
- Doors / door handles – entry/exit and employees’ cabins
- High frequency touch points – handrails, checking devices etc.
- Gondolas (please see below)
All stations have sufficient stock of equipment and sanitation products.
The lift and the gondolas are sanitized twice a day, once at midday for a scheduled period, while the lift is closed to guests and at the end of each workday.
We have implemented a regular sanitation schedule for:
- The floors of the premises at bottom and top station
- Doors/door handles of the employees’ premises
- High frequency touch points – handrails, checking devices, floors, checklist, etc.
- Chairs (please see below)
All stations have sufficient stock of sanitation products.
The chairlifts are sanitized twice a day – once at midday for a scheduled period, while the chairlifts are closed to guests and at the end of each workday.
We have introduced strict sanitation protocols for the main office premises of the Company.
All employees in all administrative departments are required to wear face masks indoors, at all times.
We follow regularly the constantly changing epidemic situation in our country and in the world, as well as the information coming from the WHO and the EU institutions. We are adapting and updating our Covid–19 Safety and Prevention Rules based on the guidelines from the Bulgarian health authorities, the Bulgarian government and the standards and practices of the other EU member countries. Each and every one of the rules and procedures on our Program “BE HEALTHY & STAY ACTIVE WITH BOROSPORT!” will be updated regularly and we will keep you notified of every change.
Dear guests, we don’t know when this pandemic will be over or when our lives will go back to normal. Meanwhile we will be adhering to the standards of the “new normal”. But we would like you to know that when you decide to travel once again, we will be ready to welcome you back to a safe and clean environment.
Thank you for your loyal support. Please be healthy and stay active.