
Privacy Policy


This privacy policy applies to the Borosport online website.

The policy covers the processing and protection of personal data in accordance with the requirements of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (the Regulation).

We emphasise the importance of privacy and are committed to earning the trust of our customers by adopting high standards of privacy protection. Our policy describes the type of personal information we collect and receive, the circumstances under which we collect or receive personal information, the policies and procedures we have established outlining its use and retention, as well as the sharing of certain types of personal information in certain limited circumstances, the procedures you should follow if you have any questions or requests regarding your personal information or our policies and procedures, and details of the person to whom such questions should be directed

In this policy, personal information means information about you that can identify you personally, such as your name, personal identification number and ID, home address, e-mail address or telephone number, and that is not publicly available. It also includes information about customers' physical characteristics and preferences when such information is provided or recorded by us in the course of providing services to individuals.


By submitting a reservation, request or using our services.

When registering for our loyalty program.

By visiting our websites or our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, as well as our profiles on specialist travel platforms such as TripAdvisor and on customer review sites.

Below, we outline the type of information we will typically collect in each of these circumstances, the reasons for doing so, how we will use it and how we will store it.


When you make a reservation or request for our services, it is necessary for you to provide us with your personal information in order for us to identify you, contact you and process your request. This information usually includes your name, SSN and/or date of birth, nationality, address, telephone number, e-mail address, credit card number and expiration date (for payment of services booked and for security deposits when using the services), physical details - height, weight, boot number, skill level (for providing ski/snowboard lessons and equipment hire), a photograph of your face (when purchasing and using lift passes), and your language preferences. The above information is necessary and required for the provision of tourism services under the Tourism Act of the Republic of Bulgaria and the country's financial and tax legislation. If you prefer to share this information with us, you may also include your preferences regarding the provision of the service, such as room type, bed type, types of additional tourist services, etc. If you wish, your purchase of our services may be recognized in a third party loyalty program with which we have a relationship. In order to do so, we will require you to provide us with certain confirmation information, such as your membership number for the third party program. We also sometimes offer special discounts that may have qualifying criteria, such as age. In order to assess your eligibility for such offers and process your booking correctly, we must record your date of birth at the time of booking. You may need to provide personal identification with your date of birth to confirm this at registration.


To establish and maintain a responsible business relationship with you and to provide you with a quality, personalised and uninterrupted service.

To understand your needs, preferences and satisfaction with our services.

To develop, improve, market or provide new products and services. For example, we analyse how you use our services and how satisfied you are with them so that we can better understand how to improve our services and therefore increase your satisfaction with them.

To manage and grow our business and operations. For example, to analyse the usage patterns of our services so that we can manage them effectively and plan for future growth.

To safeguard public order at our sites through CCTV systems.

To meet legal and regulatory requirements.


We will not process or disclose your personal data for purposes other than those set out above, except with your explicit consent for each additional purpose.

We will protect your personal data with appropriate technical and organisational security measures.

We will take appropriate steps to protect the confidentiality of your personal data when we interact with third parties.

We will endeavour to keep your personal data secure and up to date for the purposes set out above.

We will comply within a reasonable time with any request you make for access to your personal data.


We store your personal data electronically on our own servers located in the Republic of Bulgaria with a high level of information security.

We do not collect, process or disclose sensitive personal data such as health status, race, religion, political or trade union affiliation.

We may disclose your personal data outside our group:

In the event that we sell or purchase a business or assets where we may need to disclose your personal data to the seller/buyer.

If our business is purchased by a third party, in which case personal data about all our customers will be part of the assets we transfer to the buyer. These transfers will be subject to confidentiality and privacy conditions and your privacy terms will be maintained and valid.

In all other cases, we will only process, disclose or share your personal data if required to do so by law or where required in order to comply with and comply with the requirements of public authorities acting under a legal jurisdiction.


You have the following rights in relation to the processing of your personal data:

 Right to be informed.

Right of access.

Right to rectification.

Right to erasure.

Right to request restriction of processing.

Right to data portability.

Right to object.

Rights in relation to automated decision-making and profiling (where applicable).

We reserve the right to update this policy from time to time, so we encourage you to review it periodically to determine how we are processing and protecting your personal data.

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or wish to make a request and exercise rights with respect to your personal data, please contact our Privacy Officer Ivaylo Tsvetkov at icvetkov@bt-ds.com or write to us at 1574 Sofia, 1574 Sofia Str. "You can contact us at our office or email us at 1574 Nikola Tesla № 3, et. 9.