
1.1. The present General Terms and Conditions refer to:

  • the provision of services consisting in selling tickets and passes for ropeways (lifts and surface lifts) for transportation of passengers as well as the ropeway transportation itself, including transport belts;
  • the settlement of disputes arising in relation to said services;
  • the rules applying to the use of services and facilities in the ski centers (ski runs, ski ways, ropeways, transportation belts etc) by the tourists and the provision itself of the use of ski runs;
  • the rules for safe conduct by tourists;
  • the rules for enforcement of the order established in the ski centers in Borovets resort by Borosport Jsc.

1.2. There are three ski centers in Borovets, namely: Sitnyakovo, Yastrebets and Markudjiks. They include: ski runs of different level of difficulty - from beginners to experts with a total length of 58 km. and an overall surface of 85 ha and ways and connections between the ski centers as well as the ropeways and transportation facilities for passengers on their territory. Borosport Jsc. manages and maintains the following transportation facilities: 1 gondola lift, 3 quad chair lifts, 1 high-speed six-seater chairlift, 8 stationary surface lifts, 2 mobile surface lifts, 1 transportation ski belt, a baby ski belt and a carrousel as well as the respective buildings and service premises - offices, ticket offices, ski rentals, garages, workshops etc. Also on the territory of Borovets resort is located Sports Center Bistritsa - for the practice of cross-country skiing and biathlon.

1.3. The present General Conditions do not apply to the services provided by Borosport Jsc. under "Ski School, Ski and Snowboard Rental Equipment " in the ski depots to which separate conditions of Borosport Jsc. are in force.  

1.4. The act of purchasing (paying for) any of the services provided by Borosport Jsc. or engaging in any activity within the scope of the present General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be an evidence for their understanding and knowledge by the user of the service. The act of purchasing (paying for) any of the services provided by Borosport Jsc. or engaging in any activity within the scope of the present General Terms and Conditions shall further mean understanding and acceptance of the specific conditions applying to the respective service if applicable and that they have been brought to the attention and knowledge of the user of the service.

1.5. A tourist or guest of the resort as well as any user in general of services provided by Borosport Jsc. who does not accept the present General Terms and Conditions in their completeness or any specific provision in them may apply their right to free choice and resolution not to use the service/s offered. Otherwise the provision of art.1.4 above shall apply.

2.1. The ski trails and runs in the centers (ski zone) in Borovets resort are accessible, secured, clearly delimited and marked by level of difficulty. The maintenance of the ski runs is provided by qualified service personnel in compliance with the safety standards, using the necessary machines and technical equipment for their maintenance and according to the specificities of weather conditions and terrain features.

2.2. The ropeways for passengers (lifts and surface lifts) in the ski centers in Borovets resort have been built and are operating in accordance with the applicable legislation in the R.Bulgaria, they comply with the safety requirements and, according to Certification No С354/15.05.2008 of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS) are serviced by qualified personnel and their operation is supervised by the respective State authorities - the Directorate General “Technical Inspection” in Sofia city.

2.3. The hours of operation of the ski runs in the ski centers in Borovets resort are set out so as to correspond to the hours of operation of the passenger ropeways which service them and are subject to the specific weather and potential avalanche conditions.

2.4. Borosport Jsc. reserves the right to close ski runs and ropeways at its discretion for safety reasons in the following circumstances:

  • Adverse snow/weather conditions;
  • Whenever technical intervention is required on the ropeways;
  • During the grooming of ski runs;
  • During sports events, training and other events;
  • In other hypothesis stipulated by the legislation in force.

2.5. All instructions and restrictions relating to the use of ski runs and passenger ropeways located in the ski centers in Borovets resort are publicly displayed - on information boards at the down stations of ropeways/lifts and at access points to ski the runs.

2.6. The potentially hazardous areas on the ski runs (narrow sections in woodland, getting off the ski run hazard areas, areas where crossing the ski runs is prohibited etc.) are marked with the respective signs, placed in clearly visible locations on the ski run ahead of the dangerous area.

2.7. The following information shall be displayed on the information boards at the ticket offices at the lower stations of the lifts: Map of the Ski Centers; Hours of Operation of the Lifts; Rules on Provision and Use of Passes Providing Access to the Lifts; Obligatory rules for safe conduct, Price List for Lift Tickets and Passes; Price List for All the Services Provided by Borosport Jsc.; Mountain Rescue Service Information; Emergency telephone numbers.

2.8. The tourists using the ski centers in Borovets resort shall read carefully the present General Terms and Conditions and Rules of Use and shall abide unconditionally by their provisions. They must observe the instructions and the restrictions publicly displayed on the information boards located in the ski centers as well as the guidelines provided by the personnel servicing the ski centers relating to the correct use of the ski runs and ropeways so as to limit the risks of accidents and avoid disrupting the operation of the facilities in the ski centers.

2.9. Tourists (if underage or minor - their parents or custodians) acknowledge that when skiing/snowboarding in the ski centers in Borovets resort, they do so at their own risk.

2.10. SPECIAL ATTENTION is drawn by Borosport Jsc. to all tourists and guests to the resort that practicing snow sports (skiing, snowboarding, ski running and others, involving direct or indirect movement on snowy or icy surface) involves serious risks and each individual tourist assumes it is their sole responsibility. Skiing or learning skiing/snowboarding including engaging in other activities on snowy or icy surface, the use of lift facilities and transport belts, is a hazardous sport (activity) which may result in pain, serious injury or trauma, death and/or property damage to the person/tourist practicing it and each tourist (practicing individual, user of service) shall use their own discretion so as to whether to engage or not in said activities. Borosport Jsc. shall be discharged of any liability or consequences resulting from the tourist’s using or not using their own discretion as stipulated in the previous sentence including any adverse consequences of whatever nature - personal (non material) or material suffered by any user of provided services (skier, snowboarder, tourist) or ski centers in the resort.

2.11. The conditions on the ski slopes and trails are subject to constant change due to weather conditions and use and this is an inherent part of the risks relating to the practicing of snow (winter) sports. Other such hazards including but not limited to are: change in snow quality, inclination and terrain, ice and icy surface, rough terrain, bare rocks, trees and other types of forest vegetation or debris (above or under the surface), bare areas, lift towers, facilities and electrical poles or other utilities installations, fences or their absence, snow production equipment, snow grooming machines and their components, motor vehicles on snow as well as any other obstacles - natural or manmade, and terrain features within or outside the marked ski runs and trails as well as collision with equipment, obstacles or other participants to the snow (winter) sports including power outage and the resulting stoppage in ropeways and transportation belts operation.

2.12. Borosport WARNS AND INFORMS that all risks referred to (not exhaustively) in the present General Terms and Conditions carry serious potential risk of discomfort (physical and/or emotional), injuries and traumas of different level of gravity, serious health damage and even death.

2.13. Before starting to use the services provided in the ski centers in Borovets resort and Borosport Jsc. in particular any tourist must assess carefully their current actual psychological and physical health state, the concrete snow/weather conditions and the potentiality for their sudden change, and their capacity and required skills to engage in the respective activity - skiing/snowboarding on the slopes in the ski center and/or the use of the ropeways servicing them (lifts, surface lifts including transportation belts) and to make an assessment about their capacity to assume the risks specified in the present General Terms and Conditions. Any consequence resulting by the failure of any individual (skier, snowboarder, tourist) to make such assessment or making it incorrectly shall be entirely borne by the individual.

2.14. Tourists (if under age or minor - their parents or custodians) bear full responsibility for the state of their skiing/snowboarding equipment and the correct fastening of the ski/snowboard bindings and for keeping their equipment fit and in good condition.

2.15. Borosport Jsc. shall not be held liable and shall pay no compensation of whatever nature or kind and for any damages resulting from traumas, other injuries and/or death suffered as a result of accidents with tourists in the ski centers which are not a function solely and uniquely of Borosport's faulty conduct. So as to avoid any doubt all users of the services provided by Borosport Jsc. shall be considered duly informed about such release of liability through publicly provided access to the present General Terms at the following locations: the lift ticket offices, the Information Center of Borosport Jsc. in the Rila Hotel, Borovets resort as well as by posting the full text on the official website of the company, and shall have no right to claims towards Borosport Jsc., its owners and employees for traumas, inconvenience and/or injuries suffered during the use of the facilities and during the use of services provided by Borosport Jsc. in general.

2.16. The price of the lift pass provided by Borosport to its customers includes accident insurance which is valid only for the winter season and only for the marked ski slopes and the connections between them within the official hours of operation. The insurance coverage includes:

  • First emergency aid on the ski run;
  • Free transportation of the injured person to the nearest medical center with special rescue equipment;
  • All rescue operations in case of accident on the ski slopes are carried out by the Mountain Rescue Service only - Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC).

2.17. Borosport Jsc. shall not be held liable and shall have no obligation to provide at their own expenses to the tourists using services in the ski centers of Borovets resort any insurance covering major risks such as death and permanent disability, medical costs and repatriation. Each tourist may at his/her own discretion provide for such insurance coverage.

3.1. The hours operation of the ski runs in the ski centers in Borovets resort are in conformity with the hours of operation of the passenger ropeways/lifts which service them without days off unless the occurrence of an extraordinary event/s requires the closing of the ski run/s.

3.2. The hours of operation of ski runs “Martinovi Baraki 1, 2, 3 and 4”, “Rila”, “Iglika”, “Rotata” and the lower section of Sitnyakovo ski way which are designated for night skiing/snowboarding (under artificial light) are between 06:30 PM and 10:30 PM with no closure day except in the event some extraordinary circumstances requiring the closure of the ski run/s. The hours of operation of the respective lifts which service them: (high-speed six-seater chairlift) Martinovi Baraki Expres, stationary surface lifts Rila, Iglika and Rotata is from 06:30 PM to 22:00 PM without closure day except in the event some extraordinary circumstances requiring the closure of the ski run/s.

3.3. No skiing/snowboarding is allowed on the ski runs outside the hours of operation and after the closing hour of the respective ski center.

3.4. Dark sections of the ski runs are prohibited for night skiing/snowboarding.

3.5. Individuals who are visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs are prohibited from using the ropeways and/or skiing/snowboarding.

3.6. No mountain biking is allowed outside the marked trails or on the ski runs in the ski centers in Borovets resort.

3.7. No motor sledges or ATVs are allowed on the ski runs in the ski centers in day or night time. Exceptions are made only for emergency medical assistance by the Mountain Rescue Service or police intervention or in the event of technical failure on the facilities of Borosport. Motor sledges and ATVs are allowed only outside the ski centers in Borovets resort and may circulate on tracks only expressly specified by ordinance of the Mayor of Samokov city.

4.1. General rules

4.1.1. Skiers/snowboarders/runners must use only marked and open ski runs and must obey all posted markings and signs.

4.1.2. Riding outside the marked ski runs and trails and outside the hours of operation and closure time of the respective ski center, as well as any disregard of closed runs and trails and/or sections on them, is forbidden and by all means shall be at the skier’s/snowboarder’s own risk and responsibility.

4.1.3. All tourists are bound in their general conduct on the slopes and in using the ropeways to be no threat or obstruction to others or themselves.

4.2. Safe conduct rules for all tourists using skis or snowboard:

4.2.1. The rules apply to all users of ski and snowboard equipment in Borovets resort. Each skier or snowboarder should know and observe these rules.

4.2.2. All users practicing ski or snowboard must:

1. conform their speed and movement to their personal abilities, to the specifics of the terrain, snow cover, weather conditions and density of traffic; they shall not endanger or impede other skiers' and snowboarders' progress; they must fully stay in control of their skis or snowboard so as to be able to change direction or stop if needed;

2. slow down at areas of low visibility, when close to construction sites or other obstacles, at crossing points, crossroads, fog, high traffic, narrow spaces or if nearby beginners;

3. must bear responsibility not only for their own conduct on the slopes but also for the reliability and good condition of the equipment they are using including the use of unconventional equipment (newly developed- modified, prototype etc.)

4. to observe the following rules when moving on the slopes:

а) those moving ahead have the right of way; anyone moving behind must not endanger in any way those ahead and shall keep at safe distance;

b) any skier or snowboarder overtaking another skier or snowboarder must leave enough space to the latter for any voluntary or involuntary movement; in the course of overtaking and all the way to its completion, the overtaking skier or snowboarder must be fully responsible to move in a way so as not to impede the other skier's/snowboarder's progression; same applies to overtaking stationary skiers/snowboarders;

c) stopping at narrow spaces or areas of restricted visibility is admitted unless absolutely necessary and moving clear of the slope at earliest convenience is mandatory; anyone starting again after stopping must do so safely without any risk of collision;

d) after a fall you must move clear of the slope as soon as possible;

e) at crossroads those coming from the right have the right to way;

f) anyone moving opposite the general direction of traffic or climbing up or down the hill without ski or snowboard must keep to the side of the ski run;

5. must observe all signs and marking and must use trails and runs only which correspond to their technical and physical abilities;

6. must give right of way to any slope service or rescue service staff as well to the respective vehicles and must in no way whatsoever obstruct their progress; 7. must provide assistance to victims of injury or accident by putting them at safety and calling without any delay the rescue service.

4.3. Specific rules applying to cross country skiing (*)

4.3.1. Cross country trails are used one way only. If a two-way use is allowed exceptionally partition fences and nets are obligatory.

4.3.2. Cross country skiers moving at a lower speed should keep at the right side of the trail.

4.3.3. Tourists-cross country skiers shall give way to others coming from behind at request. (*). The rules under art.

4.2 shall apply as well to tourists- cross country skiers when not in breach of any of the provisions under art.4.1.

4.4. Specific rules applying to night skiing

4.4.1. Besides the rules above mentioned the following rules shall apply and be binding to all users practicing night skiing or snowboarding (riding under artificial light) To ride only on areas of the ski slopes which are marked and lit up. To not ride outside the trails specified (lit up) for nigh skiing. To stay away from the ski slopes after closing hours of the ski center when lights are off which is set for 10:30 PM. To use personal equipment which is suited to the specific conditions of riding under artificial light and to weather conditions typical for the winter mountains after sundown.

4.5 Specific rules for the use of ski bikes and snow bikes

4.5.1. The use of ski bikes and snow bikes shall be allowed only under the following binding safety rules: The ski/snow bike must have no more than two skis; The ski/snow bike must have metal edges; The ski/snow bike must have a seat; The ski/snow bike must be conducted by one driver only; The ski/snow bike must have an appropriate construction so as to be loaded and unloaded (transported) onto the lift without the lift having to slow down or stop; The ski/snow bike must not occupy more than one space on the seats of lift; No use of ski/snow bike is allowed on the territory of the terrain parks; The use of ski/snow bike is limited and is allowed on the territory of Sitnyakovo and Markudjik ski centers only respectively on lifts servicing those ski centers; The use of handmade ski/snow bike is forbidden; The ski/snow bike must have a good working and reliable stop system.

4.5.2. All other alternative forms of riding on the ski slopes and the connections between them are forbidden including but not limited to: airboard, taking off and landing on the slope with one wing, fat bikes and others.

4.5.3. Riding on sledges is allowed in just one specifically delimited and secured area of the ski trail which is located at the bottom lower part of Cherveno zname trail and is marked with all necessary signs. Riding on skis and snowboard is not allowed in this area.

4.6. Specific rules applying to tandem and other forms of paragliding on the territory of Borovets resort.

4.6.1. Anyone whishing to do paragliding in Borovets resort must observe the following binding safety rules: All pilots and participants to the flight must have valid accident insurance; You must inform Borosport AD one day prior to the date on which you have scheduled the flight by using tel. number +359889607000 or e-mail address: info@borovets-bg.com, so that the necessary additional arrangements be made to guarantee the tourists safety; The area designated by Borosport AD for take off is marked and secured and is located right before the start of Yastrebets 1 trail (Temeto). The direction of the take off is Beli Iskar village which is the landing area as well. Yastrebets gondola lift gives access to Markudjik ski center from where you can ride along Haramia trail which leads directly to the take off area. In winter season take off in shoes only is not allowed. Pilots must have skis or snowboard and be able to ride on them and be in control. Flying over ski trails and the connections between them as well as landing on ski trails and the connections between them is strictly forbidden. The entire flight must unfold over the trees and outside the limits of the ski trails and the connections between them until the final destination landing point is reached. We recommend that the pilots be equipped with portable high frequency radios for connection and use them during the flight. The final landing point of the flights in winter season is Beli Iskar village.

5.1. All tickets and lift passes for use on the ropeways/lifts and the transportation belts in the ski centers in Borovets resort are issued and sold by Borosport Jsc. only at the company's ticket offices located at the lifts' lower stations and the cash desk in the Rila Hotel. Reloadable lift passes issued on plastic cards for multiple use (KeyCard Basic) may be reloaded only online via the „My Borovets“ mobile app and via the website www.borovets-bg.com.

5.2. The prices of all tickets and lift passes are in Bulgarian currency - BGN, VAT included and are displayed by Borosport Jsc. on their Pricelists for tickets and lift passes for use on the ropeways/lifts in the ski centers in Borovets resort. The pricelists are displayed to be clearly visible at each ticket office of the company and is available at: www.borovets-bg.com.

5.3. When buying a reloadable lift pass a BGN 5.00 fee is charged for the plastic as stated on the pricelist.

5.4. The hours of operation of the ticket offices for tickets and lift passes are from 08:30 AM to 16:30 PM, no days off. Payment for tickets and lift passes is made cash or by bank debit and credit cards at the POS terminals at the ticket offices.

5.5. Borosport Jsc. may, at its discretion, extend the hours of operation of the ticket offices for sale of tickets and lift passes. Hours of operation may be shortened as an exception only.

5.5.1. The hours of operation of the ticket offices where night skiing (riding under artificial light) passes are purchased is according to the hours of operation of the respective ski run or the ropeway/lift which services it.

5.6. The following types of tickets and lift passes are issued and sold for use on the ropeways/lifts in the ski centers in Borovets resort:

5.6.1. Return (round-trip) tickets - valid for the Gondola lift and " Sitnyakovo Express" Quad only. 5.6.2. Lift passes :

а) Morning half-day lift pass giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport belts and runs in the ski/snowboarding centers from 08:30 AM to 12:30 AM.

b) Afternoon half-day lift pass giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport belts and runs in the ski/snowboarding centers from 12:00 AM to the end of service hours of the ropeways (to the exception of the lifts servicing the night skiing trails);

c) Night skiing/snowboarding lift pass (on lighted terrain) giving the right to use the following ropeways: Martinovi Baraki Quad, Rila surface lift, Iglika surface lift and Rotata surface lift, as well as the ski runs “Martinovi Baraki 1, 2, 3 and 4”, “Rila”, “Iglika”, “Rotata” and the lower section of Sitnyakovo ski way within their respective hours of operation for the day; * Note: Borosport JSC reserves the right not to provide the "night skiing" service in case of technical problems or due to the presence of factors and circumstances threatening the safety of customers. In this case, customers who have purchased night or seasonal lift tickets are not entitled to compensation.

d) One-day lift pass giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport belts and ski runs in the centers during their respective hours of operation (the lifts servicing the night skiing runs are not included);

e) Two day, three-day, four-day, five-day, six-day and seven-day lift passes giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport belts and ski runs in the ski centers within the ropeways' respective hours of operation (the lifts servicing the night skiing runs not included) as from the date of purchase of the respective pass to the end of the working time of the ski centers on the date of expiration of its validity;

f) Lift pass for six non-consecutive days giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport belts and ski runs in the ski centers within the ropeways' respective hours of operation (the lifts servicing the night skiing runs not included) as from the date of purchase of the respective pass to the end of the working time on the date on which the ski/snowboarding season in Borovets resort is closed.

g) Season lift pass giving the right to use all operating ropeways (lifts and surface lifts), transport ski belts and ski runs in the ski centers within the hours of operation of the ropeways, including night skiing, as from the date of its purchase until the end of the hours of operation on the date on which the ski season in Borovets resort is closed. * Note: The period of validity of a season lift pass is subject to change in adverse weather or other force majeure circumstances. Borosport JSC reserves the right to change the dates of opening and closing of the ski season in the ski zone of the resort. In this hypothesis, customers who have purchased season lift pass are not entitled to compensation for unused days from the period of validity indicated in the cards.

h) Season lift passes for persons between 7 years of age (completed) and 23 years of age (uncompleted) are available for purchase at the ticket offices according to the Pricelist. (i) Season lift pass valid for working days only for all facilities in their respective hours of operation during the day as well as for night skiing in working days. This lift pass is not valid for use on official holidays listed in art.154 par.1 of the Labor Code as well as on non-working days ruled by the provisions of art.154 par.2 of the Labor Code. 5.7. Season lift passes issued for multiple use shall have the first and family name of the user printed on them.

5.8. Passes with discount for handicapped people shall have the individual’s full name and photo printed on them.

5.9. The price of each purchased ticket/lift pass includes an insurance coverage for transportation of people on ropeways and transport belts as well as Accident coverage valid for the ski centers in Borovets (which include the marked ski runs and trails, ski ways and connections between them) which is valid only for the winter season and covers the costs for searching in the event of accident on the ski slopes, the provision of first medical aid on the slope or in the rescue center of the Mountain Rescue Service and the transportation of the insured individual by special rescue means to the nearest medical center within the ski centers. insurance coverage is not valid in the freestyle (terrain) parks - Borosport Snowpark and PromoPark Borosport and for freeride.

5.10. Permits authorizing the practice of snow sports tuition/instruction as a business activity shall be released and sold at the ticket office next to the Adventure Center in the Rila Hotel only to persons who meet the standard sector requirements and in conformity with the specific provisions set out by Borosport JSC. The forms adopted by Borosport for these permits are obligatory. The permit is personal and contains a photo of the holder, their full name and the name of the ski school. In the event of violation or fraudulent use of the permit it shall be seized without compensation as provided by the rules governing the release and the use of said permits.

5.11. The terms and conditions for the release of a document under art.5.10 shall be subject to additional regulations under the following priority conditions, listed non exhaustively: (1) the right is attributed personally and the document which materializes said right cannot be transferred to a third person; (2) validity for use of the document; (3) the document is provided in return for a payment; (4) the permit is released based on a set of documents required by the releasing authority and provided by the candidate prior to the release and available for the duration of its validity.

5.12. Children aged up to 7 years (uncompleted) can use the ropeways servicing the runs in the ski centers in Borovets resort free of charge. The use of the ropeways by children aged up to 7 years (uncompleted) shall be permitted only with an accompanying adult bearing the responsibility for their safety during the ride.

5.13. Lift passes for children above 7 years of age but below 14 years of age shall be issued with a validity term as set out in art. 5.6.2 and may be purchased at the ticket offices at a price for children specified in the Pricelist. A document certifying the age of the child shall be required for the release of a child pass, such as a school booklet, passport or other document on which such information is available.

5.14. Lift passes for youth - persons above 14 years of age but below 23 years of age (uncompleted), shall be issued with validity period as stipulated in art. 5.6.2 and shall be on sale at the ticket offices at prices for youth as stated in the Price list. A binding condition for the issuing a youth pass is the provisions of a paper certifying the age - student's or school booklet, passport, personal ID card or other document displaying such information.

5.15. Lift passes for elderly - people above 65 years of age shall be issued with validity period as stipulated in art. 5.6.2 and shall be on sale at the ticket offices at prices for elderly as specified in the Price list. For an elderly pass to be issued a paper shall be required certifying the age - passport, personal ID card or other document displaying such information.

5.16. FAMILY LIFT PASSES / up to 2 adults with up to 3 children/ have 20% discount of the adult lift pass and are valid for the following lift passes: half day, 1 day, 2 days and 6 non-consecutive days.  

5.17. Anyone having purchased a ticket or a lift pass shall keep the ticket/pass for control of its validity by the authorized personnel.

5.18. Borosport's “Ticket Control” staff are the persons authorized to control the validity and the correct use of the tickets/lift passes by tourists at the gates of the ropeways' access system. They are in charge of controlling the access to the ropeways. On the territory of the ski runs in the ski centers in Borovets resort the control is performed by the Ski Patrol staff. Ticket control and Ski Patrol staff identify themselves with a personal service card so as to establish their authority.

5.19.2. The following lift passes shall be considered invalid under the provisions of the present General Terms and Conditions:

1. A child lift pass when used by a person above 14 years of age (completed);

2. A youth lift pass when used by a person above 23 years of age (completed);

3. A lift pass, valid for a person over 65 years of age, used by a person of different age group;

4. A personal lift pass bearing a photo when used by a different person than the person to which it was issued;

5. A lift pass with a counterfeited validity term and/or counterfeited name and photo;

5.20. Anyone who has purchased a ticket or lift pass is required, upon request, to present the ticket/lift pass and an official document confirming the age of the ticket/pass holder to the authorized personnel for inspection."

5.21. Selling of lifts passes at places other than the ticket offices as well as reselling of lift passes is prohibited on the territory of Borovets resort.

5.22. Anyone having purchased a lift pass shall have no right to transfer them for use by another person or resale them for any reason whatsoever.

5.23. Should violations of the prohibitions under the above mentioned art.5.21 and art.5.22 be established by the authorized controlling staff the transferred/resold/sold lift pass shall be cancelled and a protocol shall be made.

5.24. Should a lift pass/ticket be seized for fraudulent use at the moment it is being used at the access gates the ticket/pass shall be cancelled by the Ticket Control staff and the violator shall be refused further access to the ropeways.

6.1. Borosport Jsc. shall not be held liable, nor shall refund the price of the purchased tickets or lift passes, nor shall be liable for financial compensations should the purchaser of lift passes/tickets be prevented from using them due to one of the following reasons:

6.1.1. Power outage;

6.1.2. Adverse weather conditions - strong wind, heavy snowfall, snow shortage, too low or too high temperatures, fog, heavy rain, etc.;

6.1.3. Partial closure of the ski centers - ski runs and/or lifts for safety reasons or for sports events, training and/or other events and in hypothesis stipulated by the legislation in force;

6.1.4. . Closing of the ski zone with an act of a state or municipal body.

6.1.5. Damaged lift pass as a result from inappropriate use and conservation or attempted intervention on it;

6.1.6. Loss of the lift pass;

6.1.7. Blocking/cancellation of the lift pass resulting from a failure to comply with the provisions set out in the present General Terms and Conditions;

6.1.8. Illness or accident suffered by the holder of the lift pass during its use;

6.1.9. Termination of the use by the purchaser of the pass prior to the expiry date independently of the reason for the termination.

6.2 Any complaints and claims relation to the services provided by Borosport Jsc in the ski centres in Borovets resort shall be considered with if they are made orally or in writing to the office of Borosport AD in the Adventure Centre at the Rila Hotel, or electronically to the e-mail address: info@borovets-bg.com, within the time limit referred to in Art. 1 of the Consumer Protection Act and against a receipt/invoice for the purchased service.

6.3. All claims and complaints executed according to art.6.2 shall be examined and Borosport Jsc. shall provide its best efforts to satisfy the customers' requests provided they are founded.

7.1. The control on the observance of the provisions set out in the present General Terms and Conditions and the Rules on the use of the provided ski services and the rules on safe conduct of tourists in the ski centers of Borovets resort, as well as the implementation of the sanctions stipulated herein are assigned to the Ski Patrol Service. The Ski Patrol consists of representatives of the local police force (ski police) and employees of Borosport Jsc. Should no local police force be available the Ski Patrol shall consist of employees of Borosport Jsc. only. The Ski Patrol shall have the following powers and rights:

7.1.1. To carry out complete control on the observance of the established order on the ski slopes and the ropeways which service them in the ski centers both by the users of the services on the territory of the resort as well as by the personnel on same territory.

7.1.2. To supervise the observance of the rules for the use of the ski runs and the ropeways which service them.

7.1.3. To prevent individuals with inadequate conduct and visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs to use the ski runs and the servicing ropeways in the ski centers in Borovets resort.

7.1.4. To prevent the use of the ski runs and the servicing ropeways in the ski centers in Borovets resort by individuals whose conduct is in violation of the obligatory rules for safe conduct provided under section IV and/or in an inconsiderate manner putting at risk their own health and safety as well as the health and safety of other tourists in the ski centers.

7.1.5. To provide random control on the use of lift passes or tickets.

7.1.6. To act upon a call from tourists or Boroposrt Jsc. Ticket Control or Security staff who safeguard and control the access to the ropeways and to provide assistance in the event of violation of the General Terms and Conditions on the use of ski centers and to detain the violators whenever necessary.

7.1.7. To prevent any unauthorized traffic of motor sledges, ATVs and bikes along the ski runs in the ski centers.

7.1.8. To prevent any unauthorized snow sports tuition carried out by individuals without a valid permit for such activity.

7.1.9. To assess the conditions for practicing snow sports on a given day and to give information relating to closing trails or portions of them.

7.1.10. In the event of impending danger to alert and give instructions to the skiers about how to act in the given situation.

7.1.11. To provide help and assistance to injured people by securing the place of the incident and waiting for the medical or rescue staff.

7.1.12. To request personal identification during check-ups.

7.1.13. The patrol, in providing for their professional obligations, has the right to address warning to the persons who do not observe the provisions stipulated in the present General Rules.

7.2. Should violations be registered, the Ski Patrol shall:

7.2.1. Make a protocol for each registered violation and have it signed by the violator or by two witnesses should the violator refuse to sign;

7.2.2. Cancel immediately lift passes which have been subject to fraudulent use found during control checks as well as the lift passes of anyone violating the rules set out under the present general terms and conditions and to register the facts in a protocol.

7.2.3. To restrict the use of the ski centers by tourists failing to abide to the provisions set out in the present general terms and conditions or failing to observe the instructions provided by the personnel or, with their actions put at risk public security and order.

7.3. Anyone using the services provided on the territory of the ski centers in Borovets resort shall provide full cooperation during the Ski Patrol controls.

8.1. Anyone using the services on the territory of the ski centers in Borovets resort may report a violation of these General Terms and Conditions at the following telephone numbers: +359 889 607 000; +359 750 32 484 and +359 750 32 217 or at any lower lift station. The Bulgarian Mountain Rescue Service answers the following telephone numbers: +359 887 100 237 14 73; +359 887 100; 238; +359 887 100 243 or the telephone of Borovets Center +359 750 32 450.

8.2. Anyone using the ski services on the territory of the ski centers in Borovets resort may send an e-mail request at: info@borovets-bg.com

8.3. Anyone using the ski services on the territory of the ski centers in the ski zone and who has purchased a lift pass/ticket at Borosport's ticket offices shall, by the fact of acquiring and using the pass express their positive attitude towards the rules provided in the present General Terms.

8.4. The present General Terms and Conditions have been made public in the following ways:

8.4.1. at the ticket offices where lift passes and tickets are purchased on the territory of Borovets resort;

8.4.2. at the Information Center of Borosport Jsc. in the Rila Hotel (Borosport Adventure Center) or at the official website of Borosport Jsc.: www.borovets-bg.com.

8.5. Borosport Jsc. reserves the right to amend the present General Terms and Conditions based on precedents and past experience and/or in a bid to comply with the best practices in other ski centers and/or in order to add specifics to the present General Terms and Conditions. The amendments shall enter into force with regard to third persons as from the date of the public notification at the above listed locations.

8.6. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the provided services under these General Terms and Conditions, as well as from their interpretation and application shall be resolved by way of negotiations. Should the parties fail to reach an agreement the dispute shall be brought to the competent Bulgarian court. The provisions of the Bulgarian legislation in force will apply. The present general Terms and Conditions have been approved with Ordinance #11 dated January 24th 2023 signed by the Executive Directors of Borosport JSC and shall come into force as from the date of their approval.

1. All credit card transactions shall be made in local currency (Bulgarian lev = BGN) according to the exchange rate fixed by the Bulgarian National Bank.

2. All transaction fees/charges are borne by the cardholder in accordance with the issuing bank's policy.

3. Prices for children are valid for children aged 7 to 13 years inclusive.

1. Online booking is possible at least 4 days before the start date of the respective ski service.

2. Fill in the online booking form with your full name, telephone number and contact email address. Then fill in the details of the person who will be using the ski service - full name, the language in which you wish the service to be conducted, age, level of skiing/snowboarding skills of the person being trained, and the start date and time when you wish to use the service.

3. Please review the details of your booking, familiarise yourself with these terms and conditions, and if you wish to make your booking within the parameters described in the offer and terms and conditions, tick the "I accept the terms and conditions" box and click "Confirm and book". With this, your reservation is made and you will receive a confirmation of your booking to the email address you have provided.

4. The total amount due from the customer for the booking is automatically calculated, depending on the number of days, the number of adults and children (according to the age indicated by the customer) and the current price offer for the respective period. Reservations made and paid through the online booking portal are guaranteed with the corresponding payment according to the offer.Please note that reservations are not considered guaranteed without prior payment according to the terms of the offer. "Borosport plc reserves the right to change prices and special offers on its website without notice and without notification. In the case of bookings already made, confirmed and paid, the amount due by the customer is not subject to change, regardless of new price offers announced.

If you wish to make changes to your booking, you must notify us in writing by email to reservations@borovets-bg.com as soon as possible.  We will do our best to assist you but cannot guarantee that changes to your booking will be possible.

Payment is made electronically by debit or credit card via virtual POS terminal. We accept payments by Visa, MasterCard and Diners Club. If you choose this payment method, you construct the reservation and manage the payment process yourself in the online reservation portal on the resort's website. Borovets. Once you have created and confirmed the reservation and proceeded to its the payment page of First Investment Bank opens. The payment screen provides full protection of the data entered by the customer. On this screen, the customer enters their card details - the names written on the card, card type, number, expiry date and CVV2/CVC2 code. For cards requiring additional 3-D authentication where you are enrolled in the Verified by VISA or MasterCard SecureCode authentication schemes, your Issuing Bank's authentication page opens where you enter your authentication password. To be able to use your debit card for online payments, you need to activate this service according to your bank's terms and conditions.

Important: At no point during the reservation creation, payment or after payment, Borosport AD does not have access to the cardholder's card details. Upon a successful transaction, a transaction receipt is displayed on the screen, which you print and must keep. At the time of online booking, said amounts will be automatically withdrawn from your card upon completion of the payment process. After successful payment of the amount of the created reservation, you will receive a confirmation, number and parameters of your guaranteed reservation.


Please, if you have difficulties to book and pay through the online booking

Borosport AD booking portal, please contact our team on +359 889 607 000


 In case of changes, cancellations, no-shows or premature cancellations in the case of an online reservation already paid by the customer, Borosport AD will retain the respective penalty according to the terms of the price offer booked.

In cases of force major requiring cancellation or change of booking, it is necessary to provide the relevant documents and evidence. Refunds are then at the discretion of Borosport plc.

Refunds from Borosport plc will be made through transaction to the card used to make payment for the booking. Refunds will be made within 30 days from the date of cancellation.

After payment, the customer receives a ticket/card for the respective service.

In case of ski/snowboard equipment rental, the ticket is provided at the Borosport ski lockers.

If a ski/snowboard lesson service is purchased, the ticket is provided at the Borosport ski school.

If a kindergarten service is purchased, the ticket is provided at the kindergarten.

The ski school may refuse to provide a booked service if the user is more than 30 minutes late from the start time specified in the booking to start an individual lesson or group lesson.

If a season lift pass is purchased, the lift pass is available from the Adventure Centre

"Borosport" after providing a portrait photo of the cardholder - previously sent to us by email.

The booked ski service (ski lesson, equipment rental, ski package or kindergarten) can be cancelled by the customer on the spot at the Borosport Information Centre or by email to reservations@borovets-bg.com.

In case of cancellation made or sent earlier than 14 days before the start of the ski service, the paid amount will be fully refunded.

For cancellations made or sent between 14 - 10 days before the start of the ski service, 25% of the amount paid will be deducted as a penalty.

For cancellations made or sent between 10 - 3 days before the start of the ski service, 50% of the amount paid will be deducted as a penalty.

In case of cancellation of one or all booked services made or sent 3 days or less before the start of the services or non-use of a booked service due to any reason such as illness, delay or other standing outside and independent of Borosport AD, the amount paid will not be refunded. This rule also applies if the use of the service is terminated before the end date.

In the event of a delay of more than 30 minutes from the scheduled time for individual and group ski lessons, the ski school reserves the right to refuse to provide the ski service, in which case the amount paid will not be refunded.

In the event of temporary closure of the entire ski area or an earlier end of the winter season before 31.03.2025 due to force majeure, Borosport shall not be liable for compensation. In these cases, amounts prepaid in advance for services that cannot be used by users for objective reasons will be refunded in full.

In case of any problems or complaints related to the use of a ski service, you can send a written complaint to Borosport AD at reservations@borovets-bg.com.

For all matters related to the use of ski services not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the General Terms and Conditions for the provision of services and rules for the use of ski slopes and ropeways and facilities in the ski centres of the resort shall apply. Borovets, which are published on our website.